
Are you a health & wellness instructor?

Excited about expanding your business but don’t know where to start?

Don’t worry, we got you!

Yo Instructor is an online wellness directory that allows instructors to publicly list their business information, receive booking requests, and provide online payment services to their clients.

You might face difficulties when you want to expand your business as a personal wellness instructor in the past. You don’t know where to find the people that will require your service and vice versa.

It all ends now, and for good.

Your Opportunities as Health and Wellness Instructor

The online world has brought you endless opportunities to display yourself. You got various platforms to show the world that you can help them be healthier.

It’s perfect how so many personal instructors choose to leverage their social media and get clients from there.

But is it enough?

The Competition That You have as Health and Wellness Instructor

When you type ‘personal instructor’ in the search engine, thousands of personal trainers are being displayed. They are the ones that are good in their marketing game, have hundreds of clients as prove, and have a shining track record. If you are a beginner, it seems impossible to compete with them. Right?

Well, that’s why we exist.

Join Us and Find Out How We Can Help Your Business As a Personal Instructor, Even if You Just Started

When you join us, you will find that we are more than a directory platform. We are a platform designed specifically to help your business grow.

  1. We help you organize your business
    Not knowing where to schedule your business? Don’t know the right place to put your expertise? Don’t know how to attract the right people that need your expertise?

    Our platform allows you to organize your business, list all your profiles and announce what makes you unique in the sea of personal instructors, schedule all of your appointment, and let your clients know who you are in just one simple scan.

  2. Meet the potential client and effortlessly share your business
    Gone are the days when you have to sweat yourself with lengthy explanations for potential clients who don’t even convert. The way you can turn leads into conversion is effortless now.

    With our premium features “scan the barcode,” you can meet and get clients so quickly and easily!

    Just give them the barcode that we provide, and the client will be given access to your online profile. They will see your past results, understand your strategy, know your teaching method, and many more.

    It’s easy, simple, and timeless.
Click here to sign up for free